31 Tons in 3 Days

31 Tons in 3 Days

In the past 3 days, 31 tons of food were delivered to 564 indigenous families on the Amazon in partnership with with World Food Program. This Canadian Thanksgiving, we are so thankful for this partnership to provide spiritual and nutritional health for these families in need.

Real Love Relief Run

Real Love Relief Run

The MMI Amazon team did a Real Love Relief Run these past two days, visiting 7 villages and coordinating final logistics for the distribution of the food baskets, a program of the WFP where MMI functions as implementing partner. The distribution for these villages will start next week, 2000 people (+550 families) will benefit from this program once every month for the next months.

Azerbaijan Mobile Vision Services

Azerbaijan Mobile Vision Services

Caspian Compassion Project has been part of the MMI family for more than 20 years. Ophthalmologists completed their training in the Dominican Republic and returned home to Azerbaijan. The center was built with generous donations to provide vision care to those in need in the late 90s. Their work is continuing through the pandemic with these mobile vision services.

Thank you HPIC!

Thank you HPIC!

We are pleased to collaborate with Health Partners International of Canada (HPIC) on an ongoing basis. Together we will be able to better respond to COVID-19 in Colombia with this shipped of medications valued at $69,236 which will be used to stock health posts throughout the Amazon region.

Food Program in Tarapoto and San Francisco

Food Program in Tarapoto and San Francisco

Our team is so pleased to be collaborating with World Food Program UN in this initiative to serve the people of the Amazon. After interviewing families of the villages of Tarapoto and San Francisco, the team has reached and screened 2000 people (550+ families) of 7 indigenous communities that will benefit from food baskets over the next 6 months. The team was able to share the gospel and give out 500+ bibles to the children of the villages.

Food Program in Amazon

Food Program in Amazon

106 families in the Amazon were interviewed as part of a food basket program of the World Food Program of the United Nations. MMI Amazon has the responsibility to identify and provide logistics to ensure 600 indigenous families receive a food basket once a month for the next three months. The team taught about water and Jesus as our source of Living Water, and the children received a special Children’s Edition of the New Testament.

Aguilitas Kids Program

Aguilitas Kids Program

This afternoon MMI Amazon worked with the kids in the Aguilitas Kids Program. They provided 31 complementary nutritional snacks to the Aguilitas Bible Club and then did activities with 60 children, including barrio, singing, playing games, and sharing Bible stories. Each child received a bible and a lollipop. It was awesome to have the support of the students of a local Indigenous Bible School, as well!

The Real Love Aguilitas program is a long term initiative lead by Zary and Leonor to reach the children of a neighborhood of Leticia called Barrio Águila.

Wheelchairs to Peru

Wheelchairs to Peru

A container of wheelchairs arrived in Arequipa, Peru! Some will be distributed to COVID Hospitals in Arequipa, some will be given to people with disabilities in other cities, and the rest will be distributed through the MMI Peru Physical Therapy program. Thanks to Joni and Friends for the donation and ongoing partnership.

COVID-19 Patient

COVID-19 Patient

“I thank MMI and its local team with all of my heart for providing this nebulizer so that I can complete my treatment [for COVID-19]. May God continues to bless the organization in a way that you could continue to be a blessing for many others.” - Yolanda, Santa Cruz, county of Cotoca, Bolivia

Help us feed families in Ecuador

Help us feed families in Ecuador

The situation in the Galapagos, Ecuador is critical. The islanders depend on two major sources of income: Tourism and Fishing. Since January, the islands have been closed to tourism and as a result, most of the flights between the islands and mainland Ecuador have been cancelled, and that means that the islanders cannot get their fish to market in Guayaquil.

Many families are on the verge of starvation.

One of MMI's contacts on the island of Santa Cruz has reached out to us for help. Jennifer is part of a team that is organizing food baskets for 400 families each month. They are targeting mainly single mothers and the elderly. Local businesses, farmers and fishermen are all donating foodstuffs.

Their goal is to raise $1200 per month to supplement the fresh produce with canned goods, rice, beans and other basic items, to help feed these families.

MMI would like to come alongside this community with which we have partnered and help with their Nutritional Health by raising $1200 to sponsor next month's food baskets. If you are interested in helping us reach this goal, gifts may be made through the MMI web site at https://www.mmi.org/donate. Gifts can be made in either Canadian or US dollars. Please note in the comments section that it is for Ecuador, Galapagos.
MMI will continue to forward any funds beyond the $1200 as they come in.

Please join with us in PRAYER for the people of ECUADOR, and especially the GALAPAGOS.

Integrated Health Education around the world

Integrated Health Education around the world

Integrated Health Education (IHE) is at its best when sharing strategies for teaching and updated methods in disease prevention which includes healthier lifestyle choices. Betty Seunarine, MMI Coordinator of IHE, stays connected with colleagues from around the world as she mentors those in Peru, Honduras, Ecuador, South Africa, DR, and others, sharing preventative messages and health maintenance tips to confront the COVID-19 pandemic.

Martha discharged after Covid-19 infection

Martha discharged after Covid-19 infection

“I am here with a bunch of my grandkids, celebrating my Birthday on the day when I was discharged after been infected with Covid-19. I thank you Francis and MMI for being with me, providing not only for the health issues (medications), but also bringing God near us during this time of great need. God bless your Ministry abundantly so that you may continue to help many more.” - Martha

Martha lives in the outskirts of Santa Cruz, Bolivia, from the Santa Rosa Area.