Help us feed families in Ecuador

The situation in the Galapagos, Ecuador is critical. The islanders depend on two major sources of income: Tourism and Fishing. Since January, the islands have been closed to tourism and as a result, most of the flights between the islands and mainland Ecuador have been cancelled, and that means that the islanders cannot get their fish to market in Guayaquil.

Many families are on the verge of starvation.

One of MMI's contacts on the island of Santa Cruz has reached out to us for help. Jennifer is part of a team that is organizing food baskets for 400 families each month. They are targeting mainly single mothers and the elderly. Local businesses, farmers and fishermen are all donating foodstuffs.

Their goal is to raise $1200 per month to supplement the fresh produce with canned goods, rice, beans and other basic items, to help feed these families.

MMI would like to come alongside this community with which we have partnered and help with their Nutritional Health by raising $1200 to sponsor next month's food baskets. If you are interested in helping us reach this goal, gifts may be made through the MMI web site at Gifts can be made in either Canadian or US dollars. Please note in the comments section that it is for Ecuador, Galapagos.
MMI will continue to forward any funds beyond the $1200 as they come in.

Please join with us in PRAYER for the people of ECUADOR, and especially the GALAPAGOS.

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